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Should you chose to begin counselling sessions you will be asked to read and sign a written contract.

This statement details how I collect, store and process your personal data should you begin counselling sessions.


What information do I collect?


Name/ contact number/ email address/ address/ Date of birth/ GP surgery address/Financial details ( by proxy on my bank statement after you make payment)


What do I use this information for?


This information is used only to contact you and in case of emergency.


How is your information stored and for how long?


Emma Hughes Counselling keeps all information you share with me confidential.  As a counsellor and member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy I may need to discuss our work with my supervisor. Any information shared in supervision is done in such a way as to ensure that you cannot be identified. Names and contact details are kept separate from any anonymous case notes and both are kept in a locked filing cabinet. Written data is stored for 7 years after your counselling ends before being confidentially shredded (or until age 26yrs if client is under 18yrs at time of treatment).  I store email addresses and mobile phone numbers electronically. Electronic data is kept for 28 days after your last session before being deleted. Electronic data is password-protected. No data is ever shared with 3rd parties unless you specifically request this in writing. The only times I would be required to share data are if I had reason to believe you were going to make an imminent suicide attempt, were in serious harm, or would seriously harm someone else, including issues of child protection, vulnerable adults and in cases of illegal activities, terrorism and money laundering. In these cases, I would contact emergency services. Your G.P details and name/date of birth/address are recorded on this form for this purpose. In exceptional cases I may be compelled by a court of law to disclose information. In the event of my sudden death, you would be contacted by a colleague, also a BACP registered counsellor, who would have access to contact details only in the event of my death or critical illness so they can inform you and offer  alternative counselling arrangements.


Legal obligation

1. I may be required to share information in your notes if I am issued with a court order.

2. I keep anonymous notes from our sessions in line with the requirements of my  

       professional insurance and the limitation act. Special category data 9 (f) processing is  

       necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or 

       whenever courts are acting in their judicial capacity.

3. I am required to keep financial records for the purpose of tax returns for 7 years.


1. If you ask me to share your notes/information with other medical professionals or your   

        legal representative. 


Why is your information stored?

Session notes are kept to keep a record of client sessions and never shared with third parties unless you specifically contact me in writing asking for them to be shared.

Email addresses and mobile numbers are used only to contact you to arrange appointments/ appointment reminders etc. You always have the right to not receive text /email reminders.


Your rights under GDPR

• Right to be informed, 

• Right to access (you can request to see information I hold about you) 

• Right of rectification, 

• Right to erasure,                                                             Not applicable to lawful reason legal obligation

• Right to restrict processing, 

• Right to data portability,                                               Not applicable to lawful reason legal obligation /legitimate interest 

• Right to object,                                                               Not applicable to lawful reason/ legal obligation

• Rights related to automated decisions.  

It should be noted that the ICO says these are not all absolute rights:


Right to Access, Correction & Erasure:

Article 6 of the GDPR states that you the client must give clear consent for Emma Hughes Counselling to process your personal data.

I Emma Hughes, also known as Emma Hughes Counselling am the data controller. You have the right to access a copy and explanation of your personal data and request correction or erasure. All electronic data can be deleted upon request in line with ICO guidelines, these rights are obligatory unless I had a legal obligation to retain. If you feel substantial damage or distress has been caused by the way your data processing has been handled please discuss with Emma Hughes in the first instance and should the issue not be resolved to your satisfaction you can contact the ICO at I am registered and pay a fee to the ICO: Registration number ZA242887.



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